产品热线许经理 :13玖23八66554 扣扣:35捌9123零
主要产品范围 :
一、 光刻:正性光刻胶和负性光刻胶
二、 保护胶:抗反射涂层、晶圆切割保护胶和键合胶
三、 其它辅助化学品:显影液、清洗剂、去胶液和剥离液
highri optics HighRI-CP5-UV1.8
(UV-light Curable High Refractive Index Resin without nanoparticle fillers)
CP5-UV is a high refractive index purely organic resin, spin on solution, specifically developed for UV
Chemical Type Acrylates
Refractive Index @ 590 nm 1.808
Appearance Liquid phase
Solvent Cyclohexanone
Curing type UV light
Curing conditions 27 J/cm2 (365 nm wavelength)
Transparency @ 400nm 94% (1 μm thick film)
Dispensing Method Spin coating
Nanoimprint Lithography Capability Yes
The solution should be kept in the fridge.
Oxygen may inhibit surface cure.